Introduction Non-genital Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a common infection that most often involves the oral Mucosa or lips (Herpes Labialis). The primary oral infection may range from a symptomatic to a very painful sore, leading to poor oral intake thus dehydration. These recurrent infections cause cold sores that can affect appearances and qualities of life. Although HSV-2 also can affect the oral Mucosa, this is much less common and does not tend to become recurrent. Labia meaning lip, but Labia of the genital are sexually transmitted but both Lip and Genital Labia; the lip and mouth Labiais called Orofacial Herpes while the mouth is Herpetic Stomatitis. (Stoma is a Greek word meaning mouth) Non genital herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is a common type of cold sore which is nonsexual transmitted in children and revolves around the oral Mucosa and lips (Herpes Labialis) most identified by Lesions Non genital HSV types of contaminations...
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